Bobby Gunther Walsh

Bobby Gunther Walsh

Want to know more about Bobby Gunther Walsh? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on NewsRadio 790 WAEB!Full Bio


Gunther Guests - Sept. 27th - Oct. 1st

Gunther Guests – Week of Sept. 27th

Monday, Sept. 27th

·5:10am – U.S. Army Retired, Captain Noah Malgeri – Bronze Star Recipient, and Candidate for Congress in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District – Talking about the fiasco in Afghanistan... he said it’s deliberate and it involves China. Hear more Monday with Gunther! |

·9:10am – Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie – Policy Advisory for the Catholic Association – She’s talking about how people’s ‘Pro-Choice’ Arguments are based on Bad Science...and with today’s imaging, it’s becoming more and more apparent. She’ll talk about that, and the Texas Abortion Law and more! |

·9:40am – Horace Cooper, Senior Fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research, Co-Chairman of the Project 21 National Advisor Board, and also a Legal Commentator – Talking about the biased media not calling out some of the election whoppers that are being told..and other hot topics! |

Tuesday, Sept. 28th -

·5:10am – Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie

·9:10am – William Gheen with ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration PAC) – Talking about the Invasion at the Border; And why is there no reporting in America that we have passed the Delta Variant Peak? He’ll talk about that and more Tuesday! |

·9:40am – Kenny Xu, Author of the New Book: ‘An Inconvenient Minority: The Attack on Asian American Excellence and the Fight for Meritocracy’ and President of Color Us United – Talking about: Those that are currently screaming racism are the biggest racists in the country... and he’ll prove it Tuesday. |

Wednesday, Sept. 29th -

·5:10am – William Gheen

·9:10am – Robert Charles with AMAC – Talking all the host issues including Whip Gate and other lies the Democrats are telling. |

·9:40am – Scott Shepard, Senior Fellow at the National Center, and Director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project - Talking about the recently proposed ‘Mind Your Own Business Act’ ...which in theory should subdue Woke Corporate Policy Czars. |

Thursday, Sept. 30th

·5:10am – Robert Charles

·9:10am – Former GA Congressman, and Chairman of Liberty Guard, Bob Barr –Talking all the Hot Issues of the Week – and

·9:40am –

Friday, Oct. 1st

·5:10am – Bob Barr

9am - 10am – Retired, Senior INS Agent Michael Cutler –Talking about the Border Fiasco... and he’ll talk also talk about Biden turning the Border Crisis into a Super Spreader Event. |


  • Mr. Bill’s – Shopping Sprees!
  • Link Beverage - $25 Gift Cards!
  • Win Amish Village Bake Shop -$25 Gift Certs!
  • Win tickets for TSO coming to the PPL Center in Allentown on Dec. 19th - 7:30PM Show! Tickets on sale now at!
  • Plus win tickets for Engelbert Humperdinck, Oct. 7th at the State Theatre, Chicago - Oct. 3rd at Wind Creek AND Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Nov. 11th at the Sherman Theatre!

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