Bobby Gunther Walsh

Bobby Gunther Walsh

Want to know more about Bobby Gunther Walsh? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on NewsRadio 790 WAEB!Full Bio


Gunther Guests - July 19th - July 23rd

Gunther Guests – Week of July 19th

Monday, July 19th -

·5:10am – Mark Shaw, Author of ‘Collateral Damage’... a book in which he makes the case that Robert Kennedy covered up Marilyn Monroe’s murder, and there is a whole host of other revelations. Hear more Monday Morning! |

·9:10am – Chairman of Liberty Guard, NRA Member and Former Congressman, Bob Barr – Talking about some of the latest attacks on the Second Amendment, his latest blogs and hot topics from the weekend! | and

·9:40am – Neil Mammen, Executive VP and Co-Founder of Every Black Life Matters, and he has Co-Authored the book ‘Does Every Black Life Matter’ – He’ll tell us the Real Goals of the 1619 Project... it is what you have long suspected. Find out more, Monday Morning! | or

Tuesday, July 20th -

·5:10am – Bob Barr

·9:10am – Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie – She is a Cuban-American Radiologist, who lives in Miami... She can weigh in with an accurate account of the suffering caused by the Communist Regime in Cuba! |

·9:40am – George Roxandich – He will talk about Critical Race Theory in the Lehigh Valley... to see what could happen, for example at Parkland... George says all we need to do is look at Portland. Hear why and hear more Tuesday! | NO WEBSITE

Wednesday, July 21st -

·5:10am – George Roxandich

·9:10am – Will Hild, Exe. Director of Consumers Research – Consumers Research is heading up the Consumer’s First Initiative – He will talk about all the WOKE Corporations including Woke-A-Cola, and we will play a spoof jingle that Consumers Research came up with for Coca-Cola. |

·9:40am – TBA

Thursday, July 22nd -

·5:10am – TBA

·9:10am – Professor Rob Natelson, Former Constitutional Law Professor, Constitutional Historian and Senior Fellow in Constitutional Jurisprudence at the Independence Institute in Denver, CO – Talking about a Federal Judge in Indiana that implies that you have no right to bodily autonomy... this Statement stemmed from an Indiana Vaccine Lawsuit. He’ll also talk about his recent speech before the Epoch Times Event. | and

Friday, July 23rd -

·5:10am – Professor Rob Natelson

·9am -10am – Retired, Senior INS Agent Michael Cutler –Talking about, How Cuban Refugees are being treated differently than Illegal Immigrations coming across our Southern Border... hear more on this, and other Immigration Issues, Friday Morning! |


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