Bobby Gunther Walsh

Bobby Gunther Walsh

Want to know more about Bobby Gunther Walsh? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on NewsRadio 790 WAEB!Full Bio


Gunther Guests - Aug. 23 - Aug. 27th

Gunther Guests – Week of Aug. 23rd

Monday, Aug. 23rd -

·5:10am – Retired, Senior INS Agent, Michael Cutler – Giving his reaction to what’s going on in Afghanistan, how it impacts our immigration crisis and what it means to our country’s safety. |

·9:10am – Nick Adams, Best Selling Author, also runs the Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness – Talking about his new book: ‘Trump and Reagan: Defenders of America’ |

·9:40am – Brigitte Gabriel, National Security Analyst, NYT Best Selling Author, and Chairman of – She’ll talk about the fall of America... and it all ties into Afghanistan. |

Tuesday, Aug. 24th -

·5:10am – Brigitte Gabriel

·9:10am – U.S. Army Chaplin, Col. David J. Giammona - Co-Author of the ‘Military Guide to Armageddon’ – He served in Afghanistan, and he will talk about the latest developments in Afghanistan and Joe Biden’s handling of it. | or or

·9:40am – David Shestokas, Former State Prosecutor, served as an Assistant State Attorney for Cook County’s State Attorney’s Office, a Multi-Time Author and he also worked with Rudy Giuliani after the Trump Election to cure the Vote – He will talk about the Arizona audits going on... what’s the latest there... as we are not hearing anything because of what’s going on in Afghanistan. And he’ll discuss the Eviction Moratoria... is the Government violating your Constitutional Rights? |

Wednesday, Aug. 25th -

·5:10am – U.S. Army Chaplin, Col. David J. Giammona

·9:10am – Thomas Creal, Founder and International Lead Forensic Accountant for the Hunter Group and Lead Forensic Accountant from Task Force 2010 Afghanistan – He has unique insight on what’s going on in Afghanistan and has a unique idea on how to fix it... hear more about it Wednesday. |

·9:40am – John O’Connor – Former Federal Prosecutor and Author of ‘Postgate’... which is the real story of Watergate – What do we do about Joe Biden? People are starting to use the Impeach word. And what about the 25th Amendment? He’ll talk about it all Wednesday. |

Thursday, Aug. 26th -

·5:10am – Thomas Creal

·9:10am – Bill Allen, President of the Pennsylvania Election Integrity Project, and Beverly Hernandez, Concerned Taxpayer – They’ll get us up to speed on what’s going on in the Easton School District regarding masks, and Critical Race Theory in the Easton School District and how we ensure Election Integrity going forward. | no website

·9:40am – Doug Durham, Area Captain for Southern Lehigh for the Lehigh County Republican Committee – He’ll talk about what’s going on in the Southern Lehigh School District regarding Critical Race Theory and more! | No Website

Friday, Aug. 27th -

·5:10am – Doug Durham

·9:10am –

·9:40am -


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