Bobby Gunther Walsh

Bobby Gunther Walsh

Want to know more about Bobby Gunther Walsh? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on NewsRadio 790 WAEB!Full Bio


Gunther Guests - April 5th - April 9th

Gunther Guests – Week of April 5th

Monday, April 5th-

·5:10am – Retired, Senior INS Agent Michael Cutler – Talking about one of the latest pieces he wrote... Biden Amping up the Immigration ‘Delivery System’... that’s right the Immigration ‘DELIVERY system’. He’ll talk about that and more Monday! |

·9:10am –John Tamny, Director of the Center for Economic Freedom at Freedom Works, Editor of Real Clear Markets and Author of the New Book: ‘When Politicians Panicked: The New Corona Virus, Expert Opinion, and a Tragic Lapse of Reason’ – He’ll talk about his Book, Monday Morning! | John.Tamny on Facebook

·9:40am –Drew Allen, is a Conservative Author and he writes a Weekly Blog that Promotes Conservative Ideals at – He’ll discuss the false claims made by Kamala Harris and Others regarding recent shootings and the Second Amendment and other hot issues! |

Tuesday, April 6th -

·5:10am – John Tamny

·9:10am – Martin Avila, CEO of Right Forge and a Writer for Breitbart, the Federalist and Others – Since the Left is taking over Social Media and the Tech Companies... what can we do about it? Martin says build our own infrastructure... it can be done! He’ll explain Tuesday! |

·9:40am - Sgt. Mike McGrew – Former Major Crimes Detective, Former Hostage Negotiator and Author of ‘A Higher Call to Duty’ – He’ll talk about his book, George Floyd, and also the Cop Killer that Governor Cuomo gave a seat to on a Police Reform Panel. |,

Wednesday, April 7th -

·5:10am – Martin Avila

·9:10am – Steve Milloy, Former Trump / Pence EPA Transition Member and Founder of – The EPA does not do climate research... and the people that DO... get to rubberstamp their own research! He’ll discuss this and a recent court ruling that went in favor of fossil fuels. |

·9:40am – (Tentative) Cathy Allen, one of the Directors of the Movie Roe V. Wade: The True Story Behind the Most Famous Court Case in History. She’ll discuss the movie and where she thinks we’re headed when it comes to Abortion in America. | NO WEBSITE

Thursday, April 8th

·5:10am – Steve Milloy

·9:10am – Former Congressman Bob Barr, Discussing his Latest Blog and All the Hot Issues... especially those pertaining to the Second Amendment. |

·9:40am – Peter Rykowski, Writer for The New American Magazine – Talking about fighting back against the Federal Government’s Overreach on the Second Amendment and Other Issues... it’s called Nullification. He’ll talk about what that is and how to go about it Thursday Morning! |

Friday, April 9th-

·5:10am – Bob Barr

·9:10am – TBA

·9:40am – TBA

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