Gunther Guests - Week of July 3rd

Gunther Guests –  Week of July 3rd  

Monday, July 3rd -

·9AM-10AM - Steven Rabb - Author of the Critically Claimed Best-Selling Book: ‘The Founder’s Speech to a Nation in Crisis’ - He will talk about how we have been rewriting history, and the damage that’s doing. And what would our Founding Father’s think about our nation 247 years later? |

Tuesday, July 4th  -

·5:10am – Steven Rabb - Part 1

·5am - 10am - Gunther’s Fourth of July Tribute Show - Songs, Poems, Inspirations and more!

Wednesday, July 5th -  

·5:10am – Steven Rabb - Part 2

·9:15am - Donna Jackson - Project 21 Spokesperson - Talking about the Supreme Court ruling that ends racial preferences in college. Project 21 has filed an amicus brief about this case, and Donna will talk about their role in it on Wednesday Morning. |

·9:40am – Kenny Xu - President of Color Us United and serves as the primary spokesman - He will talk about the Supreme Court ruling on discrimination and what does he think it means for Asian Americans. |

Thursday, July 6th

·5:10am – Donna Jackson

·9:15am - Frank Gaffney - Author of the ‘The Indictment: Prosecuting the Communist Party and Friends for Crimes Against America, China, and the World’ - Talking about the Biden Family and their involvement with China, and the latest news on Chinese Aggression. |

·9:40am – John O’Connor -Author of several books on Watergate including: ‘Postgate’ - He’ll talk about the latest developments on the Trump / Mar-A-Lago Lawsuit and the latest on the Biden Crime Family allegations. |

Friday, July 7th -

·5:10am - John O’Connor

·9am - 10am - Retired, Senior INS Agent - Michael Cutler - More disturbing stories because of our lack of Immigration Control. Things are rapidly getting worse … if that’s even possible. Hear more Friday Morning! |


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