Gunther Guests - Aug 31 - Sept 4

Gunther Guests – Week of Aug. 31st

Monday, August 31st -

·5:10am –Sharron Angle with the Election Integrity Project in Nevada – Talking about the Democrat’s attempt to steal the Vote; Can Kamala and Biden win without cheating?? She’ll talk to Gunther Monday! |

·9:10am – Justin Danhof, General Counsel with the National Center for Public Policy Research and Director of the Center’s Free Enterprise Project – He is fighting the Culture War with Corporations... like taking on all the companies that are FOR Defunding the Police. Is it time that we on the RIGHT start to fight fire with fire and have our own cancel culture? He’ll discuss Monday!|

·9:40am – Stephanie N. Taub – Senior Counsel with First Liberty Institute - She is fighting for the right of Religious Organizations to decide Matters of Church Governance and Leadership. They should be able to hire and fire whoever they want, the state should have no say in it... she’ll discuss Monday |

Tuesday, Sept. 1st

·5:10am – Justin Danhof

·9:10am – Madeleine Westerhout – Author of ‘Off the Record: My Dream Job at the White House, How I Lost it and What I Learned’ – She was supposed to be the trusted gatekeeper of the White House, but she unwittingly betrayed the President. She’ll talk about the subject of her book Tuesday with Gunther! |

·9:40am – Jay Paterno, Son of Joe Paterno and Author of the Book ‘Hot Seat: a Year Inside College Football’s Pressure Cooker’ – Jay’s Book got incredible reviews from Urban Meyer, Paul Finebaum and others... Gunther will talk about his book, and catch up with the Paterno Family Tuesday Morning!

Wednesday, Sept. 2nd-

·5:10am – Jay Paterno

·9:10am TBA

·9:40am – Former Congressman Bob Barr – Talking all the Hot Issues including how he thinks the Republican National Convention went and more on voter fraud; And he’ll discuss his latest blogs! | /

Thursday, Sept. 3rd-

·5:10am – Bob Barr

·9:10am - TBA

·9:40am – Isaac Kight – Conservative Writer and one of a Growing Number of Conservative Jewish Voices in America - He and Gunther will discuss: Is there a shift amongst Blacks, Jews, and other groups towards the Republican Party? |

Friday, Sept. 4th -

·5:10am – TBA

·9am – 10am – Retired, Senior INS Agent - Michael Cutler – He’ll talk about how are things going in NY considering he is stuck in Mayor De Blasio’s Nightmare; And the latest developments in Illegal Immigration. |


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