WAEB Email of the Week

From: Mike

Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 6:50 AM


Subject: 'Zero-carbon' yacht trip to UN exposed as fraud with problematic plane rides


I heard you mention 16-year-old Greta Thunberg’s supposedly eco-friendly boat trip to New York so she could address the United Nations.

Like almost all climate change stunts, this one is not as environmentally pure as billed.

Apparently, the crew that brought her over to New York flew back to Europe and a new crew will be flying over to NY to bring the boat back.

I’m not sure if Thunberg will be sailing or flying back home now that the photo ops are over.



From: Bill

Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2019 1:48 PM


Subject: Two Interesting Articles

Fantastic rant from Sky News Australia…

To all the school kids going on strike for climate change: You’re the first generation who’ve required air conditioning in every classroom, you want TV in every room and your classes are all computerized. You spend all day and night on electronic devices. More than ever you don’t walk or ride bikes to school, but you arrive in caravans of private cars that choke suburban roads and worsen rush hour traffic.

You’re the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good, expensive luxury items just to stay trendy. Your entertainment comes from electric devices, furthermore the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration, which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport. The more people we have, the more forests and bush land we clear and the more of the environment that’s destroyed.

How about this, tell your teachers to switch off the air conditioning, walk or ride your bike to school, switch off your devices and read a book, make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.

Nope, none of this will happen, BECAUSE you’re selfish, badly educated, virtue signaling little turds inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a Noble Cause while they indulge themselves in western luxury and an unprecedented quality of life.


*** 9/22 EDIT!!!! I did NOT write this!! Please read the first line, this young lady is on Facebook and this article was removed from one of her pages.. I have made contact with her and she is grateful for any shares made :-)

Good read and good point!!!!


This article was written by a 26 yr old college student by the name of Alyssa Ahlgren, who's in grad school for her MBA.

My Generation Is Blind to the Prosperity Around Us!

I'm sitting in a small coffee shop near Nokomis (Florida) trying to think of what to write about. I scroll through my newsfeed on my phone looking at the latest headlines of presidential candidates calling for policies to "fix" the so-called injustices of capitalism. I put my phone down and continue to look around.

I see people talking freely, working on their MacBook's, ordering food they get in an instant, seeing cars go by outside, and it dawned on me. We live in the most privileged time in the most prosperous nation and we've become completely blind to it.

Vehicles, food, technology, freedom to associate with whom we choose.These things are so ingrained in our American way of life we don't give them a second thought.

We are so well off here in the United States that our poverty line begins 31 times above the global average. Thirty One Times!!!

Virtually no one in the United States is considered poor by global standards. Yet, in a time where we can order a product off Amazon with one click and have it at our doorstep the next day, we are unappreciative, unsatisfied, and ungrateful. ??

Our unappreciation is evident as the popularity of socialist policies among my generation continues to grow.Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said to Newsweek talking about the millennial generation, "An entire generation, which is now becoming one of the largest electorates in America, came of age and never saw American prosperity."

Never saw American prosperity! Let that sink in.

When I first read that statement, I thought to myself, that was quite literally the most entitled and factually illiterate thing I've ever heard in my 26 years on this earth. Many young people agree with her, which is entirely misguided.

My generation is being indoctrinated by a mainstream narrative to actually believe we have never seen prosperity. I know this first hand, I went to college, let's just say I didn't have the popular opinion, but I digress.

Why then, with all of the overwhelming evidence around us, evidence that I can even see sitting at a coffee shop, do we not view this as prosperity? We have people who are dying to get into our country.

People around the world destitute and truly impoverished. Yet, we have a young generation convinced they've never seen prosperity, and as a result, we elect some politicians who are dead set on taking steps towards abolishing capitalism.

Why? The answer is this,?? my generation has only seen prosperity. We have no contrast. We didn't live in the great depression, or live through two world wars, the Korean War, The Vietnam War or we didn't see the rise and fall of socialism and communism.

We don't know what it's like to live without the internet, without cars, without smartphones. We don't have a lack of prosperity problem. We have an entitlement problem, an ungratefulness problem, and it's spreading like a plague."

From: Cindy

Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2019 8:47 AM


Subject: Blaming charter schools for their financial incompetence


The public school political machine needs to remove the competition they are finding from the non-union charter schools.

So, they blame their financial problems on the charter schools but never mention what unions & pensions are doing to the financial condition of the public school system.

Does anyone seriously believe that once charter schools are taken out suddenly the public schools in PA won’t run deficits?


From: Cindy

Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 8:23 AM


Subject: Rich parents


Holywood elite were plastered all over the news for paying ridiculous amounts of money to get their kid in to college instead of having their kids earn it.

Everyone know those kids were just there to "pick up" the degree.

Then, I hear the Democrat candidates for President of the United States tout free college education and paying off student loans.

I ask myself- what’s the difference?

Kids that didn’t earn their spot in college or didn’t take the classes seriously and can not find employment afterward are being rewarded by their “rich parents” the American taxpayers.


From: Allan

Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019 7:32 AM


Subject: Free for all


Imagine applying for a job at a company that is $22 trillion in debt. During your interview, you are asked what you will do to contribute to the company's growth. You replay, "I will give away, for free, your products." The interviewer hires you. Sound familiar?


From: Paul

Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019 9:59 AM


Subject: White House TRAITOR leaked President Trump’s schedule, but can’t be fired.


A White House federal Civil Service employee deliberately leaked President Trump’s schedule to aid both a POTENTIAL ASSASSIN and radical Left protestors.

The President’s Chief of Staff, Nick Mulvaney, on Fox News Sunday said they will identify this TRAITOR this week. However, based on his experience at the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), Mr. Mulvaney said, “It’s almost impossible to fire a Federal Civil Service worker.”

Hopefully, this worker can be jailed for TREASON so that firing isn’t necessary to protect the President’s life.



From: Rosina

Sent: Friday, February 8, 2019 5:53 PM


Subject: Food for thought

There are so many strict vegans that would not eat meat because they don’t want to kill animals yet would not hesitate to have an abortion and kill a human being.

Take Spartacus Booker, a vegan that supports infanticide. What’s wrong with this picture?

From: Allan

Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 7:24 AM


Subject: A paradox


Food for thought -

A pregnant woman is headed to the hospital to have an abortion. Her car is hit by another car, driven by a man who ran a stop light. Her child is killed. In most states, the man can be charged with homicide for killing the child.

I should mention that the man who hit the woman's car, killing her child, happened to be her doctor - the one scheduled to perform the abortion. If he had not hit the woman's car and both he and the woman arrived at the hospital, he would still have taken the child's life, but it would be a medical procedure.


From: ceverett

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 8:47 AM


Subject: Abortion

Yup, building a WALL is immoral, but killing a baby that can literally cry is OK!!!

From: Marie

Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2019 8:23 AM


Subject: A thought

A member of the TV show Empire was beaten and a noose put around his neck this weekend in a Chicago neighborhood. Yes it is an awful crime, however, I found it interesting watching the report and hearing the announcer say that due to this crime, all of the show’s members will have “armed guards” from now on. Funny how Hollywood doesn’t think twice about gun control when it comes to them. Or even building walls around their homes so they are secure.

From: Mike 

Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 8:45 AM


Subject: Dan's story on parole for murderers

Gunther – I just heard Dan’s news story about a Democrat lawmaker introducing a bill in Harrisburg that would allow felons who were sentenced to life in prison to be eligible for parole after only 15 years.It would appear that Democrats want to allow murderers to get out of jail after 15 years, while they take away our 2nd Amendment rights forever because of the acts of those same murderers.


From: Joan

Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 11:27 AM

Subject: FYI only - couldn't help myself! ha! 

My Reply to Progressive Liberal blurb.....Obama's intention from day one was to downgrade this great Country into a 3rd World Country. His first day in office his M.O. Was exposed to us but most refused to see it. FACT: He did not appreciate the greatness of America YET, he showed his appreciation for Cuba, Russia, even North Korea and supported Iran having nuclear weapons! FACT IS - He left this Country in a world MESS! His M.O. worked and he's laughing his head off!

From: Jim

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 8:31 AM


Subject: Sean Spicer Outrage


You remarked about people jumping all over Sean Spicer for his unfortunate remarks about Hitler and you said it seems to be disproportionate to what happened.  This whipped up outrage is just the latest piece in a much larger picture.  Ever since election day, the left has been determined that we will not have anything approaching a normal day for as long as Donald Trump is in office.  They stage endless protests over everything, and ridicule all members of the administration.  They harass Betsy DeVos and then post memes on Facebook complaining about how much taxpayers must pay to protect her.  This, in turn, plays into the overarching mainstream media narrative of an administration in “disarray”.  Can you imagine if any one of these things had happened during the Obama administration?  We would have been constantly lectured about our racism for obstructing the first black president.  We all know that this is not going to stop and no one is going to tell the Snowflakes to grow up as long as liberals control the narrative in the press and the popular culture.  Trump is no conservative and he is surrounded by and inner circle of New York liberals.  I have lowered my expectations to the point that I will be satisfied if we can get the appointment of 2 or 3 solid conservative Supreme Court Justices who can exert influence over the court for the next 30 years.  Anything else will be a bonus.



From: Donna 

Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 8:03 AM


Subject: gas attack

I don't think liberals lied about this. They believed it to be true. Just as Pres. Bush believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The lesson to be learned is that you can't trust your enemy. You have to DEFEAT your enemy. Your enemy has to be AFRAID of the consequences of their actions.

- Donna 

From: James 

Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 7:17 AM


Subject: Bridgegate


Thank goodness with the court convictions, we can finally close the chapter on Bridgegate.  The government has officially spent more time, money and effort geting to the bottom of a 1 hour bridge closing than they did investigating the brutal murders of 4 Americans in Benghazi.



From: Paul 

Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 7:47 AM


Subject: Democrat Fascists Switch from White Hoods to Black Hoods to Shut Down Republican Free Speech


In the 1800s, Democrat fascists donned the White Hoods of the KKK to Shut Down Republican FREE SPEECH. This weekend in Philly, the Democrat fascists donned the Black Hoods of Anarchism to Shut Down Republican FREE SPEECH.  The police collaborated with these Democrat fascists in both cases.



From: James 

Sent: Thursday, March 9, 2017 6:37 AM


Subject: Trumpcare


It has now been 4 months since the election and I’m beginning to feel as if we have made no progress whatsoever.  The whining leftists have been stamping their feet constantly, determined to make sure that we will not have anything resembling a normal day as long as Trump is in office.  I could live with that if I felt we were advancing our own agenda, but we were given a once in a century opportunity to start turning this mess around and the gutless RINOs in congress seem determined to squander it.  The liberals had the details of Obamacare written for 75 years just waiting for the opportunity when they would have the majority to carry it out.  We have been living with Obamacare for 7 years during which the Congressional Republicans passed bill after bill that would completely repeal it.  Now when they actually have the opportunity to carry it out, they come up with Obamacare Lite with “phases” that will never be achieved.  Meanwhile we are losing momentum on getting tax reform passed while the media keeps our attention is fixated on phone tapping and Russian hacking.  The majority of the country wants this mess turned around and I just feel like it is slipping away from us.



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